Altus Scale

Based on the work and recommendations of renowned British flutist William Bennett, the Altus Scale offers excellent intonation, carefully tuned harmonics, and balanced registers.


Altus flutemaker Shuichi Tanaka along with Bennett admired Albert Cooper’s scale work and made some modifications of their own, creating the Altus/Bennett scale. The Altus/Bennett scale is used on all Altus and Azumi flutes. The precise intonation not only makes these flutes effortless to play in tune, it also enhances the resonance of the instrument. A more resonant flute has more depth and color to the sound and is more flexible.


It may help to explain exactly what is meant by the “scale” of an instrument. The instrument’s scale is the relationship of the tone holes to each other, the size of each hole, and the distance of the tone holes from the embouchure. The musician will play with better intonation while expending less effort with a well-built scale.